How we are handling COVID-19

This is a blog about how we are managing our business and our lives, trying to handle the Covid-19 pandemic.        

So how are we handlings the pandemic? Well we're not really handling it well. When you hear there's a pandemic happening and you're living through it, it's so surreal. Like, these are the stories your Grandparents tell you about, or you watch documentaries on, right? Here I am with two little ones and I am the grown up who has to keep it all together and decide what makes sense for my family and my business. #adulting.

So as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020 like many of our fellow businesses, we made the decision to close the store until further notice. We felt it would be irresponsible to stay open as a non-essential business if the goal is to limit people from leaving their homes. On the other-hand, this is mine and Anna's livelihood. It's hard to fathom something like this being so out of our control and quite frankly, in my own words because Anna is a true optimist, freaked out about the unknown.

I keep telling myself the one phrase I say every time I'm in a situation I want to end quickly, "This too shall pass." I worry about my husband who works in law enforcement which is one job you cannot do from home. It's a blessing and a curse because on one end he's working like a dog to ensure we can survive, but on the other he is in constant contact with who knows who. I don't worry as much about us catching the virus because I feel our immune systems can handle it, but I would NEVER forgive myself if we passed it on to anyone around us who wouldn't have that same fate. Anyone else feel this way?

While all we can do is listen to the cues; keeping ourselves and those around us safe, we need to keep our heads high, our hands to ourselves and keep on keepin' on. I've never written a blog before but as I sit here brainstorming ways to bring virtual shopping to my customers, I thought heck- now's a good time to start. Everyone is more socially connected now than probably ever before and really I am just waiting for Mark Zuckerberg to make his next move.

So really, what are we doing to keep Polished running? Well it's been one day that we've had the store closed. We are trying everything we can to make online shopping seamless for you. In addition to our free ground shipping (anywhere in the US) we've implemented a hand delivery service for orders placed in Branford, N.Branford, Guilford and East Haven. We're happy to hear from you if you live in another neighboring town to see if we are able to meet your needs. I'm looking to get out of the house with Max and Mia so driving around town to town doing home deliveries actually sounds exciting!

home delivery to neighboring towns

It's a little unsettling in a time like this to be promoting fashion and be encouraging the purchase of clothing when the world is in a toilet paper frenzy. Though we WILL get through this and we will go on. Besides, you can only handle so much corona news daily so why not break it up with what's trending in the fashion world with a sprinkle of Max & Mia when they do something cute?

If you aren't looking to buy currently, we have an option that's a win-win for you and for us. We are adding $25 to gift card purchases of $100 that can be used once our store re-opens. Purchasing a gift card gives us up-front revenue, and allows you to shop (with an added bonus from us!) when we're back in biz. Payments are accepted via VENMO @Lisa-Feniola since our site isn't equipped to process or accept them.

You know how we're always preaching to support local? During a time of crisis like this, it is essential to keep us operating. We know we have the biggest support system in our lovely town of Branford, and we're excited every time we touch another part of the country.

$25 added to gift card purchase of $100

Something you could do that's free is just using the power of social media; sharing our platforms, posting a pic of you in our merchandise, writing a review, just spreading the love anyway you're comfortable. This goes for all your favorite local businesses! Our heart's beat with every bit of your support and there's no time like now.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this, being part of the Polished family, promoting, wearing, supporting us in all that you do. It's not just Polished, it's literally everyone, everywhere and we really are ALL in this together. I'd love to hear your story, what's going on in your world and how you are handling it at the moment. Let's stay connected.

Xo, Lisa 

P.S- We are working on our first LIVE Sale and will be posting on social media the date and time so be on the lookout!

1 comment

  • Kristin Liguori

    The Polished “live” sales gave me something to look forward during the very difficult months of March-June. Even after those months when things started to reopen, I kept popping into the sales and shopping of course! There was a connection to my community that I had been missing, and was more than happy to support my favorite local boutique! I even found myself getting out of those “Covid” sweat pants" to embrace my new styles from Polished. A special thank you to the girls for making Tues. and Thurs. nights my “happy hour.” You are the best!

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